Since its founding Palmer Homes has taken pride in building homes with sustainable practices throughout the construction process with energy-efficient materials, while incorporating innovative design elements and natural landscape.
Energy Efficiency. Building an energy efficient home by using products such as high efficiency condensing gas furnaces, LED lighting packages and increasing our ceiling insulation gives our customers peace of mind knowing that not only do they have a more efficient home, but they also have a safer home. We also include high efficiency windows with low U-values to help keep the home cool in the summer and warm in the winter by reducing heat loss.
Quality Materials. Being a green builder doesn’t just mean we build a energy efficient home though, we also want our homes to be healthy. Palmer Homes uses a MERV filter rated 8 or higher in our homes to better filter the air and ultimately supplying better indoor air quality. From our ceilings to our walls, we make sure that there are less harmful chemicals in our low volatile organic compounds paint and keeping out dust mites, mold and other debris with hard surface flooring.
Water Conservation. An earth friendly builder living in a high desert climate means watching our water consumption. Palmer Homes helps our homeowners to do this by installing water efficient shower heads and ENERGY STAR dishwashers. Not only do we help our home owners reduce their water consumption in the home, we help them in the landscape as well by planting low water use plants that once established, will often not require any watering at all. Planting one tree per 1000 square feet of landscaping contributes to land conservation and helps to reduce soil erosion while low volume irrigation systems adequately irrigates the landscape and saves water.
All of our homes are built with the integrity and efficiency that we would want our own personal homes built with. Sourcing local products, choosing efficient fixtures and appliances, creating a tightly sealed homes and employing clean practices are just a few of the reasons Palmer Homes has more Silver Certified awards from Earth Advantage than any other builder in Central Oregon.

From the beginning Palmer Homes has worked toward creating healthy neighborhoods and communities; starting with good efficient design and carefully selected sustainable materials to choosing native drought resistant plants.
Building within the Earth Advantage guidelines ensures that we are meeting our goals of building highly performing and efficient homes.
The ultimate goal is for us to hit the highest standard in efficiency and design. Earth Advantage's clearly defined criteria helps us to do just that. Learn more.
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